
EAS AdvantEdge Chocolate Strawberry Mousse

Haphazard Linkage

I’m not quite sure why, but I think that The Sad Mafioso is a really cool name. Glitter Dolly just makes me think of porn…or an antigoth. Someone Loves you. And, finally, a blank slate.

I’m down 12 inches…

I finally broke down and headed to WalMart to pick up some inexpensive clothing that actually fits now that I’m getting close to my goal weight. My plan backfired a few weeks ago when I picked up some shorts with a 42″ waist and they were falling off. It turns out that I’m actually now […]


2 grilled Banquet Glazed Chicken patties 2 slices American cheese 2 Norpaco Pepper Delights


1 stick Sorrento String Cheese Handful shaved almonds

A meaningless personal milestone…

Whenever I come back from a bathroom break at work, I always try to jump up and touch the ceiling in the hallway. For the first time ever, I actually made contact and successfully smacked one of the tiles with the tips of my fingers. So, despite the obvious fact that white men can’t jump, […]

Some teens are damn idiots!

Imagine, if you will, the following dramatization. The sun shines through the wispy branches that overhang the golden sand and fragments of light bounce wildly off the ripples of the pond. Laughter and squeals of delight can be heard as children splash each other in waist-deep water. Some parents wade in up to their ankles […]

Citibank Email Fraud Scam

Do not click on any link in any email masquerading as any financial institution! Instead, if you receive an email from your bank (or PayPal or eBay), manually go to your browser, open up their Web site to login and then manually browse to whatever new feature they want you to look at. Reputable institutions […]