The thought plickens…

I got a call today regarding Robert…and I’ll just leave it at that until I get some more information. Grin.

Robert issues a rebuttal…

Robert has issued a rebuttal on stating that he was not responsible for forging return addresses in the batch of spams advertising his Web sites. He also claims that the credit card system on his Web site is a legitimate service being run through his ecommerce gateway and not a scam. I’d love to […]

Dimensional Spam Generator

Brian McWilliams has written another article spotlighting Robert Todino after his most recent round of alleged spam attacks. Multiple sites were maliciously forged in this set of emails and, according to Brian, this seems to be a retaliatory strike against multiple authors who were reporting on Robert or the time travel spam. I was hit […]

Copies of the Todino spam…

Copies of the spams that Robert Todino is sending are available from Google: A more complete listing of all reported spams advertising and is also available.

Making a list, spamming it twice…

Robert Todino seems to be going down the list of domain names that have been reporting on him. Brian McWilliams, author of Turn Back the Spam of Time, reports that he received spam from Robert with forged headers. I guess Robert has decided to show us his gratitude by flooding our mailboxes with hundreds […]

Scratch that…checked the logfiles…

OK, I lied. I just checked the logfiles and the bounces have stopped trickling in because the spam is no longer being sent with admin accounts as return addresses. Random From: headers are now being generated and we’re way past the 350,000 bounce mark…I just haven’t been seeing the actual email. Go figure. On a […]

The floodgates have closed…

The email floodgates have finally closed and the stream of bounce messages has dribbled to a slow trickle. 36 hours after the initial email, my mail server has finally gotten a breather. The damage? 3500 bounced emails for around 5000 invalid email addresses. Update: Completely incorrect…I just stopped getting bounces. Checking the logfiles reveals 390,000+ […]

Other people have done most of the work for me…

It seems that other people Robert Todino has pissed off have done most of the work for me. I now have possible valid address that dates back to 1999 and has been used recently: Robert Todino 8 Albert St. Woburn, MA 01801 The above physical address is just over a mile from his fake Oak […]

4 Oak St. in Woburn doesn’t exist…

No big surprise here. After the time traveler pissed me off by sending out spam with in the return address, I checked out the alleged mailing address from his whois info. Figures…4 Oak St. doesn’t exist in Woburn. Oak St. starts at five and goes up from there. So, either Robert really lives in […]


Just to let everyone know, I have absolutely nothing to do with the “STOP SPAM IN ITS TRACKS!” spam that was sent using as its return address. It appears that Robert Todino (aka Bill Jones, aka Brian Appel, aka Bob White, aka John Miller) of Woburn, MA sent out the spam and forged my […]