Category: Crypto
Crypto stuff.
Is It Too Late To Invest In Cryptocurrencies? Not Even Close…And We’re Just Getting Started.
Plant Your Tree Now Whenever cryptocurrencies are in a bull run, my friends, family, and coworkers reach out to me to ask whether they should invest. And like clockwork, whenever cryptocurrencies are bearish, those same friends, family, and coworkers usually make a comment or jab about how they’re glad that they didn’t invest because “Bitcoin […]
Attempting to Transfer Cash From My Checking Account to a Crypto Exchange Only Increased My Dislike of Banks, and Reinforced My Support For Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin
Your Money Is Yours To Do With As You Please, As Long as You Keep It With Us Consumer banking workflows appear to be designed to hoard as much client money as possible within a single institution, and to prevent consumers from moving their money elsewhere. I can instantly transfer as much cash as I […]