Haphazard Linkage

Completely random destinations… Life in Beta Rated X Racing anaisCam Kelly Sue Something Greater


Chelle has struck again with a gift of 1250 shares of zero_sum. I’m not sure why I’m all of a sudden receiving these…artificial inflation of stock prices by hoping that gift recipients will link back? Who knows…

The gift of NerveTattoo?

How completely odd! A random BlogShares user gave me the gift of 725 shares in NerveTattoo, an Italian culture and philosophy site. They’re not a trader on any of my blogs, so I’m not quite sure where they came from. Unless it’s just some tactic to gain readership or linkage…in which case it worked.

Citation of the day…

Solving problems is for weenies…we just sweep them under the rug! – Steve Magoun Retort: Good hackers have the amazing ability to write flawless code. Great hackers have the ability to take someone else’s munged dribble and make it work.


Imagine coming home after a long Fourth of July weekend to an extremely hot house. Now, imagine a rather interesting and unidentifiable smell wafting through the kitchen as you open the door. Then, after being unable to track down the odor, forget about it for a while and go to bed…only to wake up the […]

Now supporting VoiceMonkey audio entries.

While GeoBlogging last night I ran across a post about the VoiceMonkey service for adding audioblogs to your Web site using a phone! Although there is a toll free number available, mobile phone users with unlimited long distance should be inclined to use the toll number to save the developer some cash.

Everything worth saying has already been said…

Not only has everything worth saying already been said, but it seems that someone else said it before me! To add insult to injury, I said it myself two months ago and didn’t even remember.