More AOL password theft…

I was hit by a spam attack this morning and received around 350 emails over the course of 12 hours. The attacker was [email protected] and he used a Yahoo! bouncer to forward people to a fake Love@AOL page. After deconstructing his email and Web page, I sent analysis to abuse, webmaster and security accounts at […]

The gourmet $4.25 Atkins lunch…

This afternoon I figured I’d troll the frozen foods section for Atkins safe foods. Just about everything out there is either in the 30+ carb range or comes in a bulk sized bag (grilled chicken or fish) that requires a kitchen to prepare. To my surprise, I found some relatively inexpensive items in the seafood […]

People are a bunch of zoomtards!

Why is it that, for the most part, the more expensive a luxury car is the more of an asshole the driver is? For whatever unknown reason the town of Methuen, MA decided to shorten the green time on one of its primary lights to an excruciating five seconds. This, of course, caused traffic to […]

Ignore your weight, watch your weight trend!

One of the most discouraging things about keeping track of my weight is seeing that I’m on a plateau that seems impossible to get past. It seems especially difficult if the plateau lasts more than three or four days…it’s very easy to fall into the rut of thinking “what’s the use, I’ll just have a […]

I’m hopelessly addicted…

It’s official…I’m hopelessly addicted to Poland Spring Sparkling Lemon and Sparkling Lime spring water. The fluid flows over the tongue like liquid crack and leaves a crisp burning sensation as it rolls down the throat. The slightly bitter quinine-like aftertaste lasts for a few seconds, and then you crave more. It’s quite odd. I really […]

What is an inert ramble?

According to Google, I seem to be the first person on the Web to use the phrase “inert ramblings“. I guess that makes me a pioneer (a pioneer of what, I’m not quite sure). Regardless, inert ramblings are defined as the inability to move about aimlessly or the inability to talk or write in a […]

The eclipse was a bust…

It was completely overcast in Haverhill so the eclipse was obscured. Ohwell. At least we had a Webcam to stare at. Instead of heading up to the field in Amesbury to sit in the middle of a wet field on an overcast night we all sat down and watched Shrek and an episode of Real […]

The Hacker’s Diet

The Hacker’s Diet, by John Walker, is the first weight loss system that I’ve tried that I fully understand and can completely wrap my brain around. The free ebook takes an engineering approach to weight loss and explains the ins and outs of the metabolism using the common sense theory that the human body is […]

Lunar Eclipse

There will be a lunar eclipse this evening starting around 9:00 PM EST. Kelly, Brian and myself will be heading up North and camping out in a rather large field for a few hours to check it out. Perhaps we’ll run into some other dirty Pagans.